Men and women are two completely different species- their biological make up tells it so. It is said that men have stronger endurance than women but they usually tend to neglect their bodies, especially their health. And because of this, men are often exposed to many lifestyle activities like smoking and drinking than women. They also are more prone to stress and anxiety due to their respective careers and physical activities. As such, they need to pay more attention to their health.
Females dominate the world population compared to males with the ratio of 1:10 and men’s health issues have been a worldwide concern such as heart diseases, STD, erectile dysfunction, obesity, diabetes, prostate and colon cancer. These are some of the alarming health concerns which, unfortunately, are rising unexpectedly. One of the most prevailing health issues is the prostate cancer. According to studies, lean men are more prone to getting prostate cancer than in obese men. But recent researches revealed that obese men also have high risk of getting this disease.
Accordingly, prostate cancer is difficult to detect most especially in its early stages among obese men until the advanced stage. This time, the disease is very difficult to treat and combative seems impossible. To be able to get rid of it, one has to be very particular about his diet to include his lifestyle. Other alarming health issues of men of today are STD and HIV/AIDS. Some men tend to have multiple sexual partners without precautionary measures so their possibility of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases is increasing.
Indeed, men’s health issues have become a worldwide concern especially with the lagging male-female population ratio. With this, it must be properly addressed not only by men but should be everyone’s concern in order to salvage men population and keep a healthy balance between men and women species.